Monday, June 11, 2012

Creamy Polenta

This Creamy Polenta with Spinach & Carrots is from Trader Joe's. It is a product of France.  My friend Cindy told me about it.  It is good but you have to add some  butter, whipping cream and Parmesan cheese to make it really good. A sharper cheese, like Gorgonzola would be better but I didn't have any available.

There are 3 servings in a bag and the good thing is it has 3 grams of fiber.  The bad thing is it has 35 mg. of cholesterol; nothing that Lipitor can't handle! (especially after you add the butter and cream)

With a side like this, you enhance any entree you have; be it something you whip up or something frozen that you just bake.

So as the French would say: "Bon Appetit".

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