Thursday, August 3, 2017

Chicken Salad

Everyone has their own recipe for a good chicken salad. I love how Sandi makes hers. She sometimes puts grapes in them or even apples. A few days ago we had some of her left over chicken salad on toasted Country Bread which I got from Bristol Farms. We had some of the chicken salad on the toasted and buttered bread and topped it with avocado and Parmesan crisp which I also got at Bristol Farms. She made a beet salad to go with it. It was delicious.

We still had some left overs so the following day, we had the same thing but this time we topped the salad with potato chips which gave every bite a nice crunch. She thought the sandwich wouldn't be enough so she sliced some beets to go with it and made Fried Cauliflower which was a recipe for fried rice but instead of rice she used cauliflower. We'd like to think we were eating very healthy since we substituted the rice for cauliflower.

Who knew that chicken salad can be very exciting?

1 comment:

  1. It was goooood, very goooood! This was the first time I ever tried potato chips or Parmesan crisp on chicken salad and I have to say it was genius!
