If you can't wait to go to heaven, the second best thing is to have a glimpse of it.
It isn't very easy, after all who ever said heaven is easy to get into? I am one of the lucky ones to have tried the Nama Royce' Chocolates.
They are little squareish truffle-like chocolates covered in powdery cocoa that come in different flavors.
My favorite is the champagne. It is one of the most delicate velvety smooth chocolates you will ever taste.
There is good and bad news on these chocolates. Let us start with the good news: They are only available in Japan, Hong Kong,Singapore, Shanghai, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei, Jakarta, Busan and Manila. The bad news as you may have guessed is if you do not live there, you are out of luck.
Do not despair, this is why we have friends; friends who travel. If vacationing to one of these places is not in your agenda, ask your friend to bring some home. They freeze well. At Narita airport, you can get them in Terminal 1 & 2. The best way to buy them is at the end of a trip as these are very delicate and can easily melt especially coming from a hot country. Of course, they thought of that so they pack them with mini ice packs (which they charge for) and further pack them in insulated aluminum bags.
If you intend to share these little gems with your friends, make sure they don't pop the whole thing in their mouths. It has to be savored like fine wine. If they don't make any sounds or heavenly facial expressions; say goodbye to that friend!
The different namas are champagne, white chocolate, cherry, au lait, bitter and most of them have liqueurs but some can be had without the alcohol. Don't be surprised to see a larger selection of chocolates; chocolate dipped potato chips, fruit flavored sweets etc., they are all good but the namas are exceptional.
Heaven awaits.
So true. Royce is right up there with new shoes and world peace. Seriously.