Wednesday, July 17, 2024


It's been a while since I've been to Lawry's, partly because I couldn't drive at night. Now that it's summertime and the dineLA is for two weeks, there was no excuse not to go. It was also a perfect time to celebrate our friend Cindy's birthday.

They made some interior changes, making it a bit Art Deco. I looked for Mr. Aniel Chopra, the general manager, but unfortunately, it was his day off.

Sandi brought a bottle of Perrier Jouët in honor of the birthday girl. We toasted and then enjoyed their delicious bread and butter. It was hard not to eat more than a slice, but I restrained myself unlike the rest of the gang. 

Three of us had the special, which included the Prime Rib with the spinning salad and a choice of creamed corn or spinach, Yorkshire pudding, and a lobster tail. 

Zohreh opted for the Salmon Rockefeller with scampied shrimp. She decided on the creamed spinach to accompany her salmon.

When the food arrived, the conversation felt silent. We all enjoyed and savored every bite. The prime rib was as delicious as ever. The creamed corn can't be beat, the aus jus perfect for the Yorkshire pudding, and the lobster tail perfectly cooked. 

We were all too stuffed to have dessert, but Nanci, who catered to our every need, presented Cindy with a birthday treat.

Lawry's is still one of the best restaurants in Los Angeles. It's elegant and one of a few restaurants with class, with food and service to match. It's a shame that some people wear T-shirts and don't dress up.

Lawry's is at 100 La Cienega Blvd. in Beverly Hills, California.

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