Iberico Jamon is considered the most expensive ham in the world since it comes from the Iberian Pig, which is dark gray in color, commonly known as "pata negra" which means dark hoof. The reason it is expensive is the diet of these pigs. Most of them eat acorns, olives, and nuts. The chorizo is a lot cheaper since it is a sausage. It has a high-fat content, but it's the good fat, unsaturated, the same as olive oil.
While I was browsing at Pavillions Market a few days ago, I came across packages of Fermín Iberico Chorizo from Spain. I grabbed one to try. It recommended placing the plastic enclosure under warm running water for 10 seconds, which I did. It was greasy, but nothing good old Bounty paper towel couldn't handle. I served it with crackers. It is quite salty, so be sure and pair it with something bland. The taste was heavenly. It's nothing like any sausage or salami I've ever had. I checked to see if Amazon sells them, and yes, they do, but it's a bit more expensive there. Pavillions is still a better buy.
It was YUMMY. And certainly went well with everyday Champagne! ❣️