Couldn't help going back to this bakery inspite of the rain. Had to try the Papillote. It's a french word which means paper or foil folded into a pouch or parcel. Indeed this pouch is filled with delightful custard, cinnamon and I'm sure butter. The custard is ever so light; not overbearing, in other words....perfect!
I also tried the Pan D'Amande which is an flat and thin almond cookie that was crisp and snapped with every bite. If you like nougat, do not leave without trying it. Better yet, take some home. It reminded me of the turrones from Spain only this was better as it was soft and a bit gooey and very fresh which went well with my cup of strong coffee.
I now fear my going to the gym might be counterproductive as this bakery is too close for comfort!
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